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Call for Abstracts
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, Special Collection: Biomedical Citizen Science
Issue Editors: Christi Guerrini, Joanna Kempner, Lisa Rasmussen, Anna Wexler
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal providing a central space for cross-disciplinary, scholarly exchanges aimed at advancing the field of citizen science by providing a venue for citizen science researchers and practitioners to share best practices in conceiving, developing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining projects that facilitate public participation in scientific endeavors in any discipline.
ISSUE OVERVIEW: In recent decades, citizen science projects relevant to medicine and the biosciences have become prevalent. These projects encompass diverse activities that include conducting biological research in home and community laboratories; aggregating health data in online public repositories for research use; and facilitating participation in self-interventions intended to improve health or well-being, treat disease, or enhance bodily functions or capabilities. This special collection will explore how citizen scientists facilitate biomedical discovery and the practical, social, legal, and ethical dimensions of their work. The broad goal of the special collection is to increase awareness of citizen science engagement in the biomedical sciences and promote dialogue among its global stakeholders. Further, improved understanding can support development of best practices in biomedical citizen science and productive relationships between citizen science and institutionalized forms of biomedicine.
ARTICLE TYPES: We invite proposals for manuscripts about biomedical citizen science, which we broadly define to encompass biomedical study and research conducted outside of traditional scientific institutions. So defined, biomedical science includes (among other activities) laboratory experimentation conducted by citizen scientists at home or in community laboratories; patient-led and patient-centered research and movements; self-experimentation and do-it-yourself (DIY) medicine; body modification and enhancement; and citizen science conducted via digital health platforms.