Related Research and Other Projects
Grant-funded projects
Assessing Ethical Challenges in Conducting Do-it-yourself (DIY) Science During the COVID-19 Pandemic
NSF RAPID: Anna Wexler and Lisa Rasmussen, with Alex Pearlman, Rebekah Choi, Christi Guerrini, Joanna Kempner, Todd Kuiken, and Sarah Ware
The Social Context of “Do-It-Yourself” Brain Stimulation: Neurohackers, Biohackers, and Lifehackers
Anna Wexler, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2017; 11: 224.
Investigating the process of ethical approval in citizen science research: the case of Public Health
Antonella Ficorilli, Giovanni Maccani, Mara Balestrini, Annibale Biggeri, Bruna De Marchi, Frederique E. M. Froeling, Florence Gignac, Regina Grazuleviciene, Gerard Hoek, Tjaša Kanduc,ˇ David Kocman, Valeria Righi and Xavier Basagaña. Journal of Science Communication 20(06)(2021)
Broadening Participation: 21st Century Opportunities for Amateurs in Biology Research
Orlando de Lange, Casey Youngflesh, Ana Ibarra, Rolando Perez, Matias Kaplan. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icab180, 2021.
Commentary & Analysis
Covid-19: The rise of a global collective intelligence?
Marc Santolini, The Conversation
Reflections on Global Community Biology of the Future: It is Open, Diverse, and Thriving
Justice T. Walker, The PLOS Blog
Independent Projects
Just One Giant Lab (JOGL) is a non-profit organization based in Paris, that aims to accelerate, at an international level, the solution of the most important challenges of our time by offering an open alternative to the academic research model through a decentralized mobilization platform.
Global Community Bio Summit
The annual Bio Summit conference creates space for the global community of DIY biologists / community biologists / biohackers / biomakers and members of independent and community laboratories to convene, plan, build fellowship, and continue the evolution of the movement.
Esther the Biohacker
The former director of the Biohack the Planet conference series, Esther is interviewing community members and connecting them with interesting projects from with the Biohacking and Genetic Engineering Design Facebook Group, which has over 7,000 members.